Tuesday, February 25, 2025

Puzzle February 25, 2025





    2  Selection by vote (8)

    6  Large crowd, often taking illegal, riotous, and destructive action (3)

    8  With nays, a recorded roll-call vote (4)

    9  Country where the people elect the head of state and the legislature; opposite of a monarchy (8)

  10  Federal legislature (8)



    1  To add or change a document, e.g. adding the 14th Amendment to the US Constitution (5)

    3  One of a small number of people, controlling a government, e.g. wealthy (8)

    4  Form of government set out in the US Constitution (9)

    5  Henry Knox headed this cabinet position under the secretary of war title for George Washington (7)

    7  US government branch that rules on constitutionality of laws (6)

       The puzzle consists of a “main word” and other words. The main word in the puzzle will be the longest word, or one of the longest words, in the puzzle. The initial letters of all other words in the puzzle are from the letters of the main word.

For solution see:


Saturday, January 18, 2025

Let’s Teach American Civic History and Values



Beginning Again Now


Let’s Teach American Civic History and Values


For future presidential level success, I think, Democrats will have to win control of at least the US House of Representatives in 2026 and the US Senate if possible.


In practice, the “campaign,” beginning again now, however, has to be about invigorating democracy, not merely electing a president.


Separate from supporting candidates and issues, a new independent national civic institution should create a national public education campaign beginning again now to teach people about American civic history and values.  Celebrities, “influencers,” people from all walks of life, officeholders and office aspirants should be asked to participate because no other success is as important. 


2025 Semiquincentennial ceremonies and observances are timely opportunities.


Book Recommendation


Book recommendation:



“The Political Mind:  A Cognitive Scientist’s Guide to Your Brain and Its Politics”


By George Lakoff